Woman with head on hand.

Prepare For The Holidays Now

While it may seem early to prepare for the holidays, they are fast approaching. Organizing a holiday schedule is difficult enough as is. However, after a divorce, there are more moving parts to keep in mind. For example, you have to be on the same page as your co-parent. While the stress and planning may seem overwhelming, Autumn Beck Blackledge PLLC has tips on preparing for the holiday season.

Review Documents

Depending on when you divorced, it might be helpful to review any important documents such as parenting plans and custody orders. Familiarizing yourself with the holiday schedule will allow you to make plans accordingly. Furthermore, you might notice that you would like to make changes to the schedule. Maybe the kids have special events this year, or grandparents are coming into town. Without reviewing documents in advance, you won’t be able to make the necessary adjustments.

Have Conversations

After reviewing essential documents, reaching out to your co-parent to have a conversation can ensure that you are both on the same page. Make sure that your co-parent is aware of the schedule and knows when the kids are coming to them. Furthermore, if you would like to change the plan, you could bring it up during these conversations. Your fellow co-parent may also have adjustments that they would like to make. Being on the same page as your co-parent will ensure a smooth holiday experience for the whole family.

Need Changes? Contact Our Pensacola Family Law Attorneys

If you and your partner would like to modify your custody order or parenting schedule, an experienced attorney can help. An attorney can assist in finding a schedule that works for all members of the family. Autumn Beck Blackledge PLLC can make sure that you and your family have a fantastic holiday season, with long-lasting memories.

Contact our office today at (850) 404-7263 to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced family law attorneys!